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Curating while reading: 03/17/19
After ten years of slogging through a reading and reviewing backlog I am now within weeks of being completely current with my reading and reviewing. This is both exhilarating and terrifying. I have come to rely on having finished books and finished reviews for posting on days when I hadn't finished reading something. Now those days will end sometime this year. I know they will because I am slowing down with my reading due to a few reasons: age (my eyes aren't what they used to be), other commitments, other hobbies. I am working part time as an art instructor at a local gallery. It's a dream job. I'm using my non-work hours to work on my art to show and to sell. I also have a summer camp to plan. The good news is that this blog will become more coherent and will feature reviews and posts that more focused on subjects and genres that I am passionate about. I am keeping the themed days. A week of reviews here looks like this:
Once the backlog is cleared, Monday will probably become a genre focused day. I'm thinking scifi/fantasy. I enjoy those genres but haven't been focusing on them much in recent years. What about days where there is no review? On days that I don't have a review ready, I will write something else that fits the day's theme. I might make a list of favorite books. I might talk about my favorite author. I might look at the history of the genre. I might talk about upcoming books. Comments (8) Comment #1: Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 21:42:39 What a happy feeling you must have, with your backlog cleared! It is quite an achievement. I love how you have organized your days. Even now that I am retired, I can't seem to post every day, but I admire you for this plan of yours. Comment #2: Sunday, March 17, 2019 at 19:40:00 Pussreboots It's a happy and daunting feeling. After ten years of blogging every day it has become a routine. I like having each day dedicated to a certain type of book. It makes planning things, deciding what to read next, easier. There are times when I can't post, so I backdate posts when I later can post. If things change for me, I'll rethink the schedule. Comment #3: Monday, March 18, 2019 at 01:37:34 I can't imagine being completely caught up...it is like taking out the trash. As soon as I take it out, there is always something new that needs attention. I don't think I will ever feel like I am done and have no reviews to write. Ha! Comment #4: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 19:38:00 Pussreboots Even when I'm totally caught up, I'll have about a month's worth of books read at any given time. But that's pretty good turnover for me. Comment #5: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 14:51:17 How awesome to have your dream job and have time to work on your own art. Comment #6: Tuesday, March 19, 2019 at 19:41:00 Pussreboots It's nice. I hope it grows into a something more. Comment #7: Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 08:53:58 I admire your tenacity to blog every day for 10 years. I've been blogging on and off for the last 10 years or more, in one capacity or another, but usually only post once a week. I guess, though, it's also about planning ahead. Comment #8: Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 12:46:00 Pussreboots I usually do my posting at night after dinner when my husband is watching TV. It doesn't take that much time most nights. Now it's just an ingrained habit. |