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Twin Spica, Volume 03: 11/29/11
Twin Spica Volume 03 by Kou Yaginuma goes further into the after affects of Asumi being so petite as to need a specially built space suit. The teacher who tried to get her to quit faces the consequences of his actions. The reason behind his behavior also comes to light and that opens the door to further discussion of the backstories of a number of characters. What is very clearly coming into to focus is the tremendous affect the crash of the Lion had on everyone, even those who don't admit it or won't talk about it. Even those too young to remember the event have their lives tied up in the after effects of the crash. There is also a wonderful spiritualism or magical realism woven through the series. As it progresses it's becoming clear the ghosts of the Lion disaster are among the living, guiding them and trying to come to terms with the accident just as the survivors are. I wish I had more time with each volume but I'm having to read them via Link+ and I know how popular they are. I want to get them read and sent back to their library and eager patrons as quickly as possible. Five stars. Comments (0) |